Number can be of many digits. It csn be a 1-digit , 2-digit or any-digit numbers. So it is very important to compare these numbers to find the smallest or greatest among these numbers.
How to find Large Number

How to compare large numbers

1) Count the number of digit in each number. The number with less number of digit is smaller number.
e.g Compare 654763 and 76456 .
In these number , 654763 has 6 digit and 76456 has 5 digit . So 76456 is smaller number than 654763 .

2) If the numbers consist of same number of digits, compare value of each digit of both the numbers starting from left . The number which has digit with greater value is greater.
e.g Compare 2354 and 2345 .
Since both the numbers are 4-digit number, compare value of each digit starting from extreme left.
first digit of 2354 is 2 and 2345 is also 2. So both are same. Now move to next digit.
2nd digit of 2354 is 3 and 2345 is also 3. So both are same. Now move to next digit.
3rd digit of 2354 is 5 and 2345 is also 4 . Since 5 is greater than 4 , so 2354 will be greater than 2345 .