LIKE DECIMAL Decimals having same number of digits after the decimal points are called LIKE DECIMAL.
Note: trailing 0's after the decimal numbers have no significance . That is adding zeros at the right end of the decimal number does not change the value of the number.
So 3.16200 is same as 3.162 .
UNLIKE DECIMALS Decimals not having same number of digits after decimal points are called UNLIKE DECIMAL.
Adding zeros at the right end of the decimal number does not change the value of the number.
0.32 => 0.32000 , the value of 0.32000 does not change, it remains same as 0.32.
This important theory is used to convert unlike fraction to like fraction
0.32 => 0.32000 , the value of 0.32000 does not change, it remains same as 0.32.
This important theory is used to convert unlike fraction to like fraction
Add zeros at the right end of the decimal number.
0.8 => 0.8000
1.88 => 1.8800
9.0166 => 9.0166
So , now 0.8000,1.8800 and 9.0166 are like decimal numbers.