Decimal fraction : Decimal fractions are fractions whose denominator is 10 or a product of two or more 10s.
$3/10$ is written as 0.3 . It is read as 'zero point three'.
$5/100$ is written as 0.05 . It is read as 'zero point zero five' .
$45/100$ is written as 0.45. It is read as 'zero point four five'
How is a mixed number $2{44/100}$ written and read.
Since 2 is a whole part and $44/100$ is a fraction part,
so it is written as 2.44 . The decimal point seperates the whole part from the fraction part.
It is read as 'two point four four' .
1) Write the decimal form of following fraction.
a) $3/10$
b) $52/10$
c) $4/100$
d) $452/100$
e) $7/1000$
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2) Write the fraction of the following decimals.
b) 2.05
c) 25.2
d) 5.124
e) 0.5
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3)Choose the correct name of the following decimal numbers.
a) 25.25
Two Five point Two Five
Twenty Five point Twenty Five
Twenty Five point Two Five
Two Five point Twenty Five
b) 0.052
Point zero five two
Zero point zero five two
Zero point zero fifty two
Point zero fifty two
c) 320.5
three twenty point five
three hundred and twenty point five
point five
three two zero point five
d) 10.01
ten point zero one
ten point one
one zero point zero one
one zero point one
e) 999.09
Nine nine nine point zero nine
nine ninety nine point zero nine
nine hundred and ninety nine point zero nine
nine hundred nine nine point zero nine
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