Probability of Deck Of Cards
  Spades Clubs     Hearts Diamonds

A deck of cards has total of 52 cards. The deck of cards has 4 Suits. Each Suit has 13 numbers of cards.(ace,king, queen, jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 and 2. ) Kings, queens and jacks are called face cards. They are called Spades, Diamonds and Hearts and Clubs. Diamonds and Hearts are red in color =26 numbers . Spades and Clubs are black in color = 26 numbers. Number of all possible outcome of drawing a card one at a time = 52. Probability that the card drawn is of same suit.(i.e either Ace, Spade, Diamond or Heart) = $13/52$ Probability that the card drawn is of same color(i.e either red or black). = $26/52$ Probability of drawing the cards is an Ace = $4/52$ Probability of drawing the cards is an red coloured Ace = $2/52$ Probability of drawing the cards is an black coloured Ace = $2/52$ Probability of drawing a face cards(each suit has 3 face cards) = $12/52$